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Ullin T. Place (1924-2000)


Ullin Thomas Place
(1924 - 2000)

Philosopher and psychologist

The intellectual legacy of a radical empiricist


His intellectual legacy

This website is dedicated to Ullin Thomas Place and his scientific work. Please find on this website his publications, references made by Place and publications of others discussing and citing his work.

The contents of this website is ongoing work. The site will be updated whenever papers are digitally ready for publication.

PUBLICATIONS written by Ullin Place
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FULLTEXT publications and lectures online
REFERENCES in publications by Place
CITATIONS according to Google Scholar
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Bibliography & Resources

Ullin T. Place was active in many different fields of philosophy and psychology. Find below the bibliography and other resources


List of all publications (in alphabetic order) 1954-2004

Publications, both published and unpublished, in which Ullin T. Place is main author or co-author. Where possible an abstract is included and a link is added for downloading the full text.

Academics about U.T. Place and his work

Publications of fellow academics

Publications of other academics about Ullin T. Place or his work.


Publications referenced by U.T. Place

Publications that were referenced by U.T. Place in his work.

Lectures U.T. Place

Amsterdam Lectures 1973 - 1974

Course of Lectures on the Metaphysical Foundations of Empirical Psychology given in the Methodology Department of the Psychological Laboratory, University of Amsterdam 1973-74 Academic Year by Dr. U. T. Place



Citations made by others to papers of Ullin T. Place.


In case of questions, contributions, publications you know but not listed on this website, or new references or citations on the work of U.T. Place or any other reason you may have and want to share, please feel free to contact me, using  the following contact data. 

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