Publications referenced by U. T. Place.
849 publications found, showing 100 per page. This is page 2 .

Catania, A. C., Shimoff, E., & Matthews, B. A. (1989). An experimental analysis of rule-governed behavior. In S. C. Hayes (Ed.), Rule-Governed Behavior: Cognition, Contingencies and Instructional Control, pp. 119-150. Plenum Press, .
[3 referring publications by Place]  

Chadwick-Jones, J. K. (1989). Baboon charades. The Psychologist, 2, 58-61.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Chalmers, D. (1995). Facing up to the problem of consciousness. Journnal of Consciousness Studies, 2, 200-219.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Chalmers, D. J. (1996) The conscious mind. Oxford University Press.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Chappell, V. C. (Ed.). (1962). The Philosophy of Mind. Prentice-Hall.
[Citing Place (1954)]  [Reprints in this collection]  [1 referring publications by Place]  

Chase, S. (1968). Selectivity in multidimensional stimulus control. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 66, 787-792.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Chater, N. (1989). Learning to respond to structure in time. R.S.R.E. Malvern Technical Report, September 1989.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Chisholm, R. (1957). Perceiving: a Philosophical Study. Cornell University Press.
[9 referring publications by Place]  

Chisholm, R. (1967). Intentionality. In P. Edwards (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Macmillan.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Chomsky, N. (1957). Syntactic structures. Mouton.
[19 referring publications by Place]  

Chomsky, N. (1959). Review of B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior. Language, 35, 26-58.
[28 referring publications by Place]  

Chomsky, N. (1965). Aspects of the theory of syntax. MIT Press.
[11 referring publications by Place]  

Chomsky, N. (1967). The General Properties of Language. In F. L. Darley (Ed.), Brain Mechanisms Underlying Speech and Language. Grune and Stratton.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Chomsky, N. (1968). Language and Mind. Harcourt, Brace and World.
[3 referring publications by Place]  

Chomsky, N. (1980). Rules and representations. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3, 1-15.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Chomsky, N. (1987). On the nature, use and acquisition of language. In N. Chomsky, Generative Grammar: Its Basis, Development and Prospects. Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Churchland P. S. (1986). Neurophilosophy: Toward a Unified Science of the Mind/Brain MIT Press
[4 referring publications by Place]  [Reviews]  

Churchland, P. M. (1981). Eliminative materialism and propositional attitudes. Journal of Philosophy, 78,67-90.
[2 referring publications by Place]  [1 reprinting collections]  

Churchland, P. M. (1988). Matter and Consciousness (Revised Edition). MIT Press.
First edition: 1984
[Citing Place (1956)]  [7 referring publications by Place]  

Churchland, P. S., & Sejnowski, T. J. (1989). Neural representation and neural computation. In L. Nadel, L. A. Cooper, P. Culicover, & R. M. Harnish (Eds.), Neural Connections, Mental Computation. MIT Press.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Clark S. (1717) A Collection of Papers, which passed between the late Learned Mr. Leibniz, and Dr. Clarke, In the Years 1715 and 1716. James Knapton
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Cohen, L. J. (1968). Criteria of Intensionality II. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volumes, XLII, 123-142.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Cohen, L. J. (1981). Can human irrationality be experimentally demonstrated? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 4(3), 317-331. doi:10.1017/S0140525X00009092
[Abstract]The object of this paper is to show why recent research in the psychology of deductive and probabilistic reasoning does not have "bleak implications for human rationality," as has sometimes been supposed. The presence of fallacies in reasoning is evaluated by referring to normative criteria which ultimately derive their own credentials from a systematisation of the intuitions that agree with them. These normative criteria cannot be taken, as some have suggested, to constitute a part of natural science, nor can they be established by metamathematical proof. Since a theory of competence has to predict the very same intuitions, it must ascribe rationality to ordinary people. Accordingly, psychological research on this topic falls into four categories. In the first, experimenters investigate conditions under which their subjects suffer from genuine cognitive illusions. The search for explanations of such performance errors may then generate hypotheses about the ways in which the relevant information-processing mechanisms operate. In the second category, experimenters investigate circumstances in which their subjects exhibit mathematical or scientific ignorance: these are tests of the subjects' intelligence or education. In the third and fourth categories, experimenters impute a fallacy where none exists, either because they are applying the relevant normative criteria in an inappropriate way or because the normative criteria being applied are not the appropriate ones.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Colgrave, B. and Mynors, R. A. B. (Eds.) (1969). Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Oxford University Press.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Comte, A. (1830-1842). Cours de Philosophie Positive (6 Volumes).
[5 referring publications by Place]  

Condillac, E. B. de (1746/1947). Essai sur l'origine des connaissances humaines. Ouvrage où l'on réduit á un seul principe tout ce qui concerne l'entendement humain. In: Oeuvres Philosophiques de Condillac. Georges LeRoy.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Cornman, J. W. (1962). The identity of mind and body. Journal of Philosophy, LIX, 486-492.
[1 referring publications by Place]  [1 reprinting collections]  

Corriveau, M. (1972). Phenomenology, psychology, and radical behaviorism: Skinner and Merleau-Ponty on behavior. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 3(1), 7–34. doi:10.1163/156916272X00029
[Abstract]Defines radical behaviorism and differentiates it from conventional behaviorism, emphasizing the different manner in which they understand or methodologically define human behavior. The radical behaviorism of B. F. Skinner is compared with the phenomenological and psychological thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. These comparisons include the presuppositions of Skinner's psychology, the subject-object dichotomy, the meaning of man's having a world and being in the world, and the nature of human behavior as seen in the light of the outcome of these analyses. It is concluded that there is a fundamental incompatibility between their presuppositions and that phenomenological psychology offers a broader and deeper viewpoint of human behavior.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Costall, A. (1980). The limits of language: Wittgenstein's later philosophy and Skinner's Radical Behaviorism. Behaviorism, 8, 123-131.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Cowey, A. (1974). Atrophy of retinal ganglion cells after removal of striate cortex in a rhesus monkey. Perception, 3, 257-260.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Cowey, A., & Stoerig, P. (1995). Blindsight in monkeys. Nature, 373(6511), 247-249.
[12 referring publications by Place]  

Cowey, A., & Stoerig, P. (1997). Visual detection in monkeys with blindsight. Neuropsychologia, 35, 929-939.
[4 referring publications by Place]  

Crowther, L. M., Dugdale, N., & Lowe, C. F. (1991). How does naming promote stimulus equivalence? The effects of relational and non-relational instructions during name training. [Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour Group, University College, London].
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Crystal, D. (1985). A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. Blackwell.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Danto, A.C. (1965). Basic Actions. American Philosophical Quarterly, 1, 141-148.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Darwin, C. (1859). On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Murray.
[5 referring publications by Place]  

Darwin, C. (1872). Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals Murray.
[3 referring publications by Place]  

Davidson, D. (1963). Actions, reasons and causes. Journal of Philosophy, 60, 685-700.
[6 referring publications by Place]  [1 reprinting collections]  

Davidson, D. (1967). Truth and meaning. Synthese, 17, 304-323.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Davidson, D. (1967). Causal relations. Journal of Philosophy, 64, 691-703.
[1 referring publications by Place]  [2 reprinting collections]  

Davidson, D. (1969). The Individuation of Events. In N. Rescher (Ed.), Essays in Honor of Carl G. Hempel pp. 216-234). Reidel.
[7 referring publications by Place]  [1 reprinting collections]  

Davidson, D. (1970). Mental events. In L. Foster and J. W. Swanson (Eds.), Experience and theory. Duckworth.
[16 referring publications by Place]  [4 reprinting collections]  

Davidson, D. (1976). Hempel on explaining action. Erkenntnis, 10, 239-253.
[1 referring publications by Place]  [1 reprinting collections]  

Davidson, D. (1980). Essays on Actions and Events. Clarendon Press.
[Reprints in this collection]  [1 referring publications by Place]  

Davidson, D. (1982). Rational animals. Dialectica, 36, 317-327.
[8 referring publications by Place]  

Day, W. F. (1969). On certain similarities between the Philosophical Investigations of Ludwig Wittgenstein and the operationism of B. F. Skinner. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 12, 489-506.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Day, W. F. (1969). Radical behaviorism in reconciliation with phenomenology. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 12(2), 315–328. doi:10.1901/jeab.1969.12-315
[Abstract]Discusses a symposium on behaviorism and phenomenology which focuses on the "current state of affairs of psychology as a science." An attempt is made to prove B. F. Skinner's radical behaviorism "capable of encompassing a productive phenomenology." Basic dimensions of radical behaviorism are described, "the way in which radical behaviorism might profitably proceed to interact with problems that are often considered phenomenological in nature" is illustrated, and a discussion of the problems which are incurred in establishing an "effective reconciliation of radical behaviorism and phenomenology" is presented.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Dennett, D. C. (1978). Brainstorms: Philosophical essays on the mind and psychology. Bradford.
[11 referring publications by Place]  

Dennett, D. C. (1987). The intentional stance. MIT Press.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Descartes, R. (1637). Discours de la Méthode.
[2 referring publications by Place]  

Descartes, R. (1641/1954). Meditations on First Philosophy, 2nd Edition. In G. E. M. Anscombe and P. T. Geach (Trs. & Eds.), Descartes: Philosophical Writings. Nelson.
[7 referring publications by Place]  

Descartes, R. (1649). Les passions de l'âme.
[2 referring publications by Place]  

Devany, J. M., Hayes, S. C., & Nelson, R. O. (1986). Equivalence class formation in language-able and language-disabled children. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 46; 243-257.
[3 referring publications by Place]  

Dickinson, A. (1980). Contemporary Animal Learning Theory. Cambridge University Press.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Dickinson, A. (1988). Intentionality in animal conditioning. In L. Weiskrantz (Ed.), Thought without Language. Oxford University Press.
[2 referring publications by Place]  

Dickinson, A., & Balleine, B. (1993). Actions and responses: The dual psychology of behaviour. In N. Eilan, R. A. McCarthy, & B. Brewer (Eds.), Spatial representation: Problems in philosophy and psychology (pp. 277–293). Blackwell Publishing.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Dollard, J. J., & Miller, N. E. (1950). Personality and Psychotherapy McGraw & Hill.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Dollard, J., Doob, L. W., Miller, W. D., & Sears, R. R. (1939). Frustration and aggression. Yale University Press.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Donahoe, J. W. (1991). The selectionist approach to verbal behavior: potential contributions of neuropsychology and connectionism. In L. J. Hayes, & P. N. Chase (Eds.), Dialogues on Verbal Behavior: Proceedings of the First International Institute on Verbal Relations (Chapter 6, pp. 119-145). Context Press.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Donahoe, J. W., Burgos, J. E., & Palmer, D. C. (1993). A selectionist approach to reinforcement. Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior, 60(1), 17–40. doi:10.1901/jeab.1993.60-17
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Donahoe, J. W., Palmer, D. C., & Burgos, J. E. (1997). The S-R issue: clarification of its status in Donahoe and Palmer's Learning and Complex Behavior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 67, 193-212.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Dowty, D. (1991). Thematic proto-roles and argument selection. Language, 67(3), 547-619.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Dretske, F. (1997). What good is consciousness? Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 27(1), 1-15.
[1 referring publications by Place]  [Is replied by]  

Dugdale, N. (1987). A search for symmetry in the conditional discriminations of language-trained chimpanzees [Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour Group, Manchester, April 1987].
[2 referring publications by Place]  

Dugdale, N. (1988). The role of naming in stimulus equivalence: Differences between humans and animals [Unpublished Ph.D. thesis]. University of Wales.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Dugdale, N., & Lowe, C.F. (1990). Naming and stimulus equivalence. In D. E. Blackman, & H. Lejeune (Eds.), Behaviour analysis in theory and practice: Contributions and controversies (pp. 115-138). Erlbaum.
[7 referring publications by Place]  

Duhem, P. (1914). La théorie physique: son objet et sa structure. (English translation as The aim and structure of physical theory (1954)). Chevalier et Rivière.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Dummett, M. (1973). Frege: Philosophy of Language. Duckworth.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Durkheim, E. (1912). Les formes elementaires de la vie religieuse. English translation (1915) as The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life by J. W. Swain. Allen & Unwin.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

E. E. Evans-Pritchard (1940). The Nuer: A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People. Clarendon Press.
[2 referring publications by Place]  

Eccles, J. C. (1953). The Neurophysiological basis of mind. Clarendon.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Edelman, G. M. (1973). Antibody structure and molecular immunology. Science, 180, 830-840.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Edelman, G. M. (1973). Molecular recognition in the immune and nervous systems. In F. G. Worden, J.-P. Swazey, & G. Adelman (Eds.), The Neurosciences: Paths of Discovery (pp. 65-74). MIT Press.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Edelman, G. M. (1974). The problem of molecular recognition by a selective system. In F. J. Ayala, & T. Dobzhansky (Eds.) Studies in the Philosophy of Biology (pp. 45-56). Macmillan, .
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Edelman, G. M. (1987). Neural darwinism: The theory of neuronal group selection Basic Books.
[7 referring publications by Place]  

Edwards, W. (1954). The theory of decision making. Psychological Bulletin, 51, 380-417.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Ekwall, E. (1959). Etymological notes on English place-names. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift, N.F. Avd. 1 Bd. 53 Nr 5. (Lund Studies in English. XXVII.)
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Estes, W. K., & Skinner, B. F. (1941). Some quantitative properties of anxiety. J. Exp. Psychol., 29, 390-400.
[4 referring publications by Place]  

Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1937). Witchcraft, oracles and magic among the Azande. Clarendon Press.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Evans, R. I. (1968). B. F. Skinner: The Man and his ideas. Dutton.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Eysenck, H. J. (1953). Uses and Abuses of Psychology. Penguin.
[2 referring publications by Place]  

Eysenck, H. J. (Ed.) (1960). Behaviour Therapy and the Neuroses Pergamon.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Farah, M. J. (1990). Visual Agnosia: Disorders of Object Recognition and what they tell us about Normal Vision.. M.I.T. Press.
[3 referring publications by Place]  

Farrell, B. A. (1950). Experience. Mind, LIX, 170-198
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Farrer, W. (1915). Early Yorkshire Charters (Vol. II). Ballantyne, Hanson & Co.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Fechner, G. (1860). Elemente der Psychophysik (Two Volumes. English translation of Volume I as Elements of Psychophysics. H. E. Adler (trans.), D. H. Howes and E. G. Boring (eds.) (1966). Holt, Rinehart and Winston). Breitkopf and Hartel,
[3 referring publications by Place]  

Feigl, H. (1950). The mind-mody problem in the development of logical empiricism. Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 4. Reprinted in H. Feigl and M. Broadbeck (Eds.) (1953), Readings in the Philosophy of Science (pp. 612-626). Appleton-Century-Crofts.
[4 referring publications by Place]  

Feigl, H. (1958). The "Mental" and the "Physical", In H. Feigl, M. Scriven, & G. Maxwell (Eds.), Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science (Vol II, pp. 370-497). University of Minnesota Press.
[Citing Place (1956)]  [14 referring publications by Place]  [1 reprinting collections]  

Feigl, H. (1967). The "Mental" and the "Physical": The Essay and a Postscript. University of Minnesota Press.
[Reprints in this collection]  [4 referring publications by Place]  

Ferster, C. B. (1958). Control of behavior in chimpanzees and pigeons by time out from positive reinforcement. Psychological Monographs, 72, Whole No. 461.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Ferster, C. B., & Skinner, B. F. (1957). Schedules of reinforcement Appleton-Century-Crofts.
[8 referring publications by Place]  

Festinger, L. (1957) A theory of cognitive dissonance Stanford University Press.
[7 referring publications by Place]  

Feyerabend, P. (1962). Explanation, reduction and empiricism. In H. Feigl & G. Maxwell (Eds.), Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science (Vol.III, pp. 28-97). University of Minnesota Press.
[2 referring publications by Place]  

Feyerabend, P. K. (1957-1958). An Attempt at a Realistic Interpretation of Experience. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, LVIII, 143-170.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Feyerabend, P. K. (1963). Materialism and the mind-body problem. The Review of Metaphysics, XVII, 49-66.
[Abstract]This paper has a twofold purpose. First, it defends materialism against a certain type of attack which seems to be based upon a truism but which is nevertheless completely off the mark. And secondly it intends to put philosophy in its proper place.
[6 referring publications by Place]  [1 reprinting collections]  

Feyerabend, P. K. (1975). Against method. New Left Books
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Fields, L., Adams, B. J., and Verhave, T. (1993). The effects of equivalence class structure on test performances. The Psychological Record, 43, 697-712.
[1 referring publications by Place]  

Fine, G. (1980). The one over many. The Philosophical Review, LXXXIX, 197-240.
[2 referring publications by Place]  

Flew, A. G. N. (Ed.) (1972). A dictionary of philosophy. Pan.
[2 referring publications by Place]  

Fodor, J. (1975). The language of thought. Crowell.
[22 referring publications by Place]