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[Abstract]A discriminative stimulus is a stimulus condition which (1) given the momentary effectiveness of some particular type of reinforcement (2) increases the frequency of a particular type of response (3) because that stimulus condition has been correlated with an increase in the frequency with which that type of response has been followed by that type of reinforcement. Operations such as deprivation have two different effects on behavior. One is to increase the effectiveness of some object or event as reinforcement, and the other is to evoke the behavior that has in the past been followed by that object or event. "Establishing operation" is suggested as a general term for operations having these two effects. A number of situations involve what is generally assumed to be a discriminative stimulus relation, but with the third defining characteristic of the discriminative stimulus absent. Here the stimulus change functions more like an establishing operation than a discriminative stimulus, and the new term,"establishing stimulus," is suggested. There are three other possible approaches to this terminological problem, but none are entirely satisfactory.
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[For a more detailed description of these experiments in English see Konorski (1948), pp. 211-235.]
B. F. Skinner has translated this 1928 paper concerning the formation of Type 2 conditioned reflexes. Konorski comments on his original theses in a postscript. See: Miller, S., & Konorski, J. (1969). On a particular form of conditioned reflex. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 12(1), 187–189. https://doi.org/10.1901/jeab.1969.12-187.
The article starts with this note of Skinner:
[Translator's Note: This important paper appeared under the title "Sur une forme particulière des réflexes conditionnels" in Les comptes rendus des séances de la société de Biologie. Société polonaise de biologie. Volume XCIX, page 1155, June 1928. When my paper "Two types of conditioned reflex and a pseudo-type" was published in The Journal of General Psychology (1935, 12, 66-67), Konorski and Miller replied in a paper called "On two types of conditioned reflex", which appeared in the same journal (1937, 16, 264-272). They sent me a copy and I was therefore able to answer in the same issue. The paper was called "Two types of conditioned reflex: a reply to Konorski and Miller". (1937, 16, 272-279.)
The present translation was sent to Professor Konorski and some changes suggested by him have been made. The word particulière has a much richer meaning in French than in English. In addition to personal or private, it suggests something special or unusual. A key phrase appears in French as follows: The dog flexes its leg pour former ainsi le complexe conditionnel total.
Professor Konorski has supplied the Postscript, giving his present views.
B. F. Skinner]
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