References of Lecture (03). Lecture 3: Ontology (17/10/1973).
Aristotle (1925). Metaphysics (translated by W.D. Ross).
[4 referring publications by Place]
Aristotle (1963) Categories (translated with notes by J. L. Ackrill) Clarendon Press.
[1 referring publications by Place]
Berkeley, G. (1710) The principles of human knowledge.
[5 referring publications by Place]
Clark S. (1717) A Collection of Papers, which passed between the late Learned Mr. Leibniz, and Dr. Clarke, In the Years 1715 and 1716. James Knapton
[1 referring publications by Place]
Frege, G. (1952). Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege (Eds. P. T. Geach & M. Black; 1952 first edition, 1960 second edition, ). Blackwell.
[5 referring publications by Place]
Kant, I. (1781/1787). Kritik der reinen Vernunft (First edition 1781, second edition 1787, English translation as The critique of pure reason). Hartknoch
[14 referring publications by Place]
Moore, G. E. (1936). Is existence a predicate? Proceedings of the Aristotalian Society, Supp. Vol. 15, 175-188. Reprinted in A. G. N. Flew (1953), Logic and Language, Series II. Blackwell.
[1 referring publications by Place]
Place, U. T. (1972a). Sensations and processes - a reply to Munsat. Mind, LXXXI, 106-112.
[References] [Is reply to] [1 citing publications] [9 referring publications by Place]
Download: 1972a Sensations and Processes - A Reply to Munsat.pdf
Plato (1953). Phaedo. In W.D. Woodhead (Tr. & Ed.) Plato: Socratic Dialogues. Nelson.
[5 referring publications by Place]
Quinton, A. (1973). The Nature of Things Routledge & Kegan Paul.
[1 referring publications by Place]
Ryle, G. (1949). The Concept of Mind. Hutchinson.
[83 referring publications by Place]
Tolkien, J. R. R. (1954) The Lord of the Rings.
[1 referring publications by Place]