References of Place (1988f). Consciousness as an information processing system. [Paper presented to the Inaugural Symposium of the Mind-Body Group, Second Annual Conference of the History and Philosophy of Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, University of Leeds, April 1988].
Boring, E. G. (1950). A history of experimental psychology (2nd edition; first edition: 1929). Appleton-Century-Crofts.
[6 referring publications by Place]
Broadbent, D. E. (1958). Perception and Communication. Pergamon.
[17 referring publications by Place]
Broadbent, D. E. (1971). Decision and Stress. Academic Press.
[14 referring publications by Place]
Burt, C. (1968). Brain and consciousness. British Journal of Psychology, 59, 55-69.
[Abstract]What light has been thrown on the problem of consciousness by recent researches on the brain, particularly those carried out by the many new techniques which have become available during the last fifteen years? It appears (i) that the nerve cell differs in no essential way, either in its basic structure or in its metabolic processes, from other gland-like cells, though, like all cells, it is differentiated for its specific function; (ii) that conduction in the nerve fibre is a relatively simple electro-chemical process; (iii) that the transmission of the nerve impulse across the synapse is chemical, and the transmitter substances are of a familiar hormonal character; and (iv) that, apart from the greater complexity and the greater instability of the synaptic thresholds, there are no essential differences between those parts of the neuronal network (n.g. the cortex) which are accompanied by consciousness and those parts (e.g. the spinal cord) which are not. A comparison of the specific micro-neural situations in which consciousness does and does not arise suggests that the brain functions, not as a generator of consciousness, but rather as a two-way transmitter and detector; i.e. although its activity is apparently a necessary condition, it cannot be a sufficient condition, of conscious experience.
[Citing Place (1956)] [2 referring publications by Place] [Is replied by]
Burt, C. (1969). Brain and consciousness. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 22, 29-36.
[Citing Place (1956)] [Is reply to] [2 referring publications by Place] [Is replied by]
Churchland P. S. (1986). Neurophilosophy: Toward a Unified Science of the Mind/Brain MIT Press
[4 referring publications by Place] [Reviews]
Freud, S. (1900). Die Traumdeutung. Franz Deuticke.
[4 referring publications by Place]
Freud, S. (1920). Jenseits des Lustprinzips Internationaler Psycho-analytischer Verlag.
[2 referring publications by Place]
Hamilton, W. (1860). Lectures on Logic (H. L. Mansel and J. Veitch, Eds.). Blackwood
[6 referring publications by Place]
Harzem, P., & Miles, T. R. (1978). Conceptual issues in operant psychology Wiley.
[20 referring publications by Place]
Myers, C. S. (1923). The evolution of feelings. Australian Journal of Psychology & Philosophy, 1(1), 3-11.
[3 referring publications by Place]
Place, U. T. (1954). The concept of heed. British Journal of Psychology, 45, 243-55. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8295.1954.tb01252.x
[References] [21 citing publications] [29 referring publications by Place] [2 reprinting collections]
Download: 1954 The Concept of Heed.pdf 1954 1999 The Concept of Heed - revised version.pdf (with a new introduction; not published)
Place, U. T. (1956). Is consciousness a brain process? British Journal of Psychology, 47, 44-50.
Keywords: mind-brain identity theory, phenomenological fallacy
The revised version from 1997, see download (below), is not published and incorporates revisions proposed in Place (1997g).
Publications citing Place (1956): See publications citing 'Is conscious a brain process?'
[References] [264 citing publications] [57 referring publications by Place] [15 reprinting collections]
Download: 1956 Is Consciousness a Brain Process.pdf 1956 1997 Is Consciousness a Brain Process - revised version.pdf
Place, U. T. (1969a). Burt on brain and consciousness. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 22, 285-292.
Keywords: consciousness, introspection
[References] [Is reply to] [1 citing publications] [6 referring publications by Place]
Download: 1969a Burt on Brain and Consciousness.pdf
Place, U. T. (1973). The mental and the physical - a reply to Dr. Meynell. The Heythrop Journal, XIV(4), 417-424. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2265.1973.tb00758.x
[References] [Is reply to] [8 referring publications by Place]
Download: 1973 The Mental and the Physical - A Reply to Dr Meynell.pdf
Place, U. T. (1985c). Semicovert behavior and the concept of pain: a comment on H. Rachlin 'Pain and behavior'. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 8, 70-71. doi:10.1017/s0140525x00019695
[References] [1 citing publications] [3 referring publications by Place]
Download: 1985c Semicovert Behavior and the Concept of Pain.pdf
Posner, M. I., & Warren, R. E. (1972). Traces, concepts and conscious construction. In A. W. Melton, & E. Martin (Eds.) Coding Processes in Human Memory. Winston.
[1 referring publications by Place]
Rachlin, H. (1985). Pain and behavior. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 8, 43-53.
[1 referring publications by Place]
Ryle, G. (1949). The Concept of Mind. Hutchinson.
[83 referring publications by Place]
Skinner, B. F. (1938). The behavior of organisms: An experimental analysis of behavior. Appleton-Century-Crofts.
[32 referring publications by Place]
Skinner, B. F. (1957). Verbal behavior. Appleton-Century-Crofts.
[43 referring publications by Place]
Sperling, G. (1967). Successive approximations to a model of short term memory. Acta Psychologica, 27, 285-292.
[1 referring publications by Place]
Velmans, M. (1987). Why a mind/body group? The British Psychological Society: History and Philosophy of Psychology Newsletter, 5, 8-9.
[1 referring publications by Place]
Wundt, W. (1896). Grundriss der Psychologie. Engelman.
[3 referring publications by Place]
Wundt, W. (1897). Outlines of Psychology [English translation by C. H. Judd of the Grundriss der Psychologie.] Engelmann.
[4 referring publications by Place]