References of Place (1992d). The role of the ethnomethodological experiment in the empirical investigation of social norms, and its application to conceptual analysis.
Austin, J. L. (1961). Philosophical papers (Edited by J. O. Urmson & G. J. Warnock). Oxford University Press.
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Austin, J. L. (1962a). Sense and sensibilia (Reconstructed by G. J. Warnock). Oxford University Press.
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Austin, J. L. (1962b). How to do Things with Words (Edited by J. O. Urmson). Oxford University Press.
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Brown, P., & Levinson, S. (1978). Universals in language use: politeness phenomena. In E. N. Goody (Ed.), Questions and politeness: Strategies in social interaction. Cambridge University Press. Reissued with corrections, new introduction and new bibliography as Politeness: Some Universals of Language Usage. Cambridge: C
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Frege, G. (1879). Begriffschrift (English translation by P. T. Geach. In P. T. Geach & M. Black (Eds.) (1960), Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege, 2nd. Ed. Blackwell).
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Frege, G. (1884). Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik: eine logische-mathematische Untersuchung ueber den Begriff der Zahl (English translation as The foundations of arithmetic: A logico-mathematical enquiry into the concept of number by J. L. Austin, 1950. Philosophical Library).
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Garfinkel, H. (1964). Studies in the routine grounds of everyday activities. Social Problems, 11, 225-250. Reprinted with revisions in H. Garfinkel (1967), Studies in Ethnomethodology (pp. 35-75). Prentice-Hall.
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Grice, H. P. (1975/1989). Logic and conversation (The 1967 William James Lectures, Harvard University). In P. Cole, & J. L. Morgan (Eds.), Syntax and semantics 3: Speech acts, Academic Press, 1975. In H. P. Grice, Studies in the Way of Words (Part 1). Harvard University Press, 1989.
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Grice, H. P. (1978). Further notes on logic and conversation. In P. Cole (Ed.), Syntax and semantics 9: Pragmatics. Academic Press.
[1 referring publications by Place]
Place, U. T. (1991f). On the social relativity of truth and the analytic/synthetic distinction. Human Studies, 14, 265-285. doi:10.1007/bf02205609
[Abstract]Three solutions are examined to the problem of cultural chauvinism posed by the fact that the verb `to know' commits the speaker to the truth of what is known. Two, the doctrine that truth is socially relative and the doctrine that truth determination procedures are socially relative, are rejected. A third, the view that truth is relative to linguistic convention is defended. Holding this view commits the author to an intensionalist theory of reference, a conceptualist theory of universals, a defence of the analytic-synthetic distinction against Quine's critique, and the view that the basic principles of science are analytic.
[References] [3 citing publications] [14 referring publications by Place] [1 reprinting collections]
Download: 1991f On the Social Relativity of Truth and the Analytic Synthetic Distinction.pdf
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