3 publications of Place that refer to Heritage (1985). Recent developments in conversation analysis.
Place, U. T. (1985b). Conversation analysis and the empirical study of verbal behaviour. [Conference presentation abstract, delivered at the Annual Conference of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour Group, University of Sussex, April 1984]. Behavioural Processes, 10, 196-197
[References] [Talks]
Download: 1985b Conversational Analysis and the Empirical Study of Verbal Behaviour (abstract).pdf 1985b Conversation Analysis and the Empirical Study of Verbal Behaviour (complete text).pdf
Place, U. T. (1989e). Contingency analysis of naturally occurring verbal interactions [Conference presentation abstract]. British Psychological Society 1989 Abstracts, 67.
[Abstract]The analysis of verbal behaviour in terms of Skinner's (1969) concept of the three‑term contingency can be made at two different levels (a) at the semantic level at which the content of an utterance is analysed in terms of the contingency or contingencies it "specifies" or "depicts" and (b) at the pragmatic level at which the utterance is viewed as behaviour in relation to a preceding utterance by another speaker as antecedent and to a subsequent utterance or other behaviour emitted by the listener as consequence.
A technique is proposed for generating a pragmatic analysis of naturally occurring verbal interactions based partly on an interpretation of Harlow's (1959) distinction between "win‑stay/fail‑ shift" and "win‑shift/fail‑stay" contingencies in terms of Michael's (1982) concept of an "establishing condition" and its reversal, and partly on a behaviour analytic interpretation of the concepts of "turn", "sequence", "continuer", "adjacency pair" and "preference organisation" derived from the vocabulary of conversation analysis (Heritage 1985).
[References] [Related] [Talks]
Place, U. T. (1991a). Conversation analysis and the analysis of verbal behavior. In L. J. Hayes, & P. N. Chase (Eds.), Dialogues on verbal behavior: The First International Institute on Verbal Relations (Chapter 5, pp. 85-109). Context Press.
[References] [4 citing publications] [5 referring publications by Place] [Is replied by]
Download: 1991a Conversation Analysis and Analysis of Verbal Behavior.pdf