4 collections that contain a reprint of Davidson (1970). Mental events.

[pp. 116-125]
Chalmers, D. J. (2002). Philosophy of mind: classical and contemporary readings. Oxford University Press
[Reprints in this collection]  

Crawford,S. (Ed.) (2011). Philosophy of Mind: Critical Concepts of Philosophy (4 volumes). Routledge
[Reprints in this collection]  

[pp. 207-227]
Davidson, D. (1980). Essays on Actions and Events. Clarendon Press.
[Reprints in this collection]  [1 referring publications by Place]  

[pp. 213-238]
Honderich, T., & Burnyeat, M. (Eds.) (1979). Philosophy as it is. Penguin Books
[Reprints in this collection]