7 collections that contain a reprint of Smart (1959). Sensations and brain processes.
[pp. 52-66]
Borst, C.V. (Ed.). (1970). The mind-brain identity theory. Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-1-349-15364-0_2
[Reprints in this collection]
[pp. 60-68]
Chalmers, D. J. (2002). Philosophy of mind: classical and contemporary readings. Oxford University Press
[Reprints in this collection]
[pp. 160-172]
Chappell, V. C. (Ed.). (1962). The Philosophy of Mind. Prentice-Hall.
[Citing Place (1954)] [Reprints in this collection] [1 referring publications by Place]
Crawford,S. (Ed.) (2011). Philosophy of Mind: Critical Concepts of Philosophy (4 volumes). Routledge
[Reprints in this collection]
[pp. 32-47]
O'Connor, J. (Ed.). (1969). Modern Materialism. Harcourt, Brace and World.
[Reprints in this collection]
Vesey, G. N. A. (Ed.) (1964). Body and mind. Readings in philosophy. George Allen and Unwin ltd
[Reprints in this collection]
Warburton, N. (Ed.) (1999). Philosophy: Basic Readings. Routledge.
[Reprints in this collection]