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Ullin T. Place (1924-2000)

Related Talks

Place, U. T. (1988-04-19). Contingency analysis of naturally occurring verbal interactions, Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, Easter Conference, Department of Psychology, University of Leeds, 19-21 April 1988.

Place, U. T. (1988-05-27). Contingency analysis of naturally occurring verbal interactions, Symposium on 'Problems and methods in recording, transcribing and analysing naturally occurring verbal interactions' (chaired and convened by U. T. Place), Fourteenth Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 27-30 May 1988.

Place, U. T. (1989-03-16) Contingency analysis applied to the pragmatics and semantics of naturally occurring verbal interactions, Temple University's Tenth Annual Conference on Discourse Analysis, The Hershey Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 16-18 March 1989.

Place, U. T. (1989-03-21). Contingency analysis applied to the pragmatics and semantics of naturally occurring verbal interactions. Conference on Conversation, Discourse and Conflict, Trinity College, Dublin, 21-23 March 1989.

Place, U. T. (1989-03-28). Contingency analysis applied to the pragmatics and semantics of naturally occurring verbal interactions [Invited paper with peer commentary by L. V. Baker, J. Heritage, J. Schwieso and J. Rae]. Third Annual Conference of the History and Philosophy of Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln, 28-30 March 1989.

Place, U. T. (1991-03-25) Contingency analysis as applied to the pragmatics and semantics of naturally occurring verbal interactions. Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 25 March 1991.

Place, U. T. (1991-09-23). Contingency analysis applied the pragmatics and semantics of naturally-occurring verbal interactions. International Society for Ecological Psychology, Workshop on Situated Action, Ashburne Hall, University of Manchester, 23-24 September 1991.